The story revolves around high school boy Ayumu Tamari, who has an illness that makes him start to turn to stone when he's stressed. Since he couldn't fit in with his class, after repeating a year, he declared that he wanted to have a "Sparkly youth" as well. To do this, he changed his hair and clothes to be more fashionable, and constantly checked for popular topics to stay in the know. In the midst of Ayumu's life of making a facade, his homeroom teacher and stone-loving geology teacher Kouya Onihara says that Ayumu's stone transformation is beautiful. Ayumu begins to become attracted to Kouya, who starts to give him advice.
This Boy Suffers from Crystallization Anime VoiceOver This Boy Suffers from Crystallization is a 2014 OVA produced by CoMix Wave Films It premiered in Japan on December 3 2014 Sound Cadence Studios produced an English dub of the OVA which was released digitally on iTunes and Amazon on October 10 2018 English Cast Daman Mills Koya Onihara Ry McKeand Ayumu Tamari Stephen Fu Shiraki Derick Snow Ono Emily Fajardo Takehara Justin This Boy Suffers from Crystallization AnimePlanet 2014 3324 out of 5 from 1282 votes Rank 4431 Screenshots High school boy Ayumu Tamari finds it hard to attend his classes especially since he had to repeat the year due to suffering from a strange syndrome which makes parts of its bodys skin turn into a crystal whenever he experiences a strong emotion or stress To the rescue comes his homeroom teacher Kouya Onihara who also happens This Boy Suffers From Crystallization OVA English Subbed Watch full This Boy Suffers From Crystallization OVA English Subbed online full HD Anime movies This Boy Suffers From Crystallization OVA English Subbed online for free in HD Episode Title This Boy Suffers From Crystallization OVA Episode Description The story revolves around high school boy Ayumu Banri who has an illness that makes him start to turn to stone when hes stressed Since he
Amazon Watch This Boy Suffers From Crystallization This Boy Suffers From Crystallization 6 27min 2014 13 Tamari Ayumu suffers from Crystallization Syndrome a crippling illness which causes his body to start turning to crystals whenever he becomes anxious or depressed He chases after the romantic affections of his teacher Onihara Koya who spurns him at every turn unwilling to accept love from a student This is a story from auteur anime Boy Online Video SBS Movies Elevenyearold Boy lives on a New Zealand farm with his gran a goat and his younger brother Shortly after Gran leaves for a week Boys father Thor director Taika Waititi appears out of the This Boy Suffers from Crystallization TV Movie 2014 This Boy Suffers from Crystallization TV Movie 2014 on IMDb Plot summary synopsis and more Watch This Boy Suffers From Crystallization Online Free Released Dec 3 2014 this boy suffers from crystallization The story revolves around high school boy Ayumu Banri who has an illness that makes him start to turn to stone when hes stressed Since he couldnt fit in with his class after repeating a year he declared that he wanted to have a Sparkly youth as well To do this he changed his hair and clothes to be more fashionable and
This Boy Suffers from Crystallization Putlocker Movie Free You are watching This Boy Suffers from Crystallization full movie at Putlocker online The story revolves around high school boy Ayumu Tamari who has an illness that makes him start to turn to stone when hes stressed Since he couldnt fit in with his class after repeating a year he declared that he wanted to have a Sparkly youth as well To do this he changed his hair and clothes to be Angel S Contract 2 1998 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD This Boy Suffers From Crystallization 2014 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD Maimed Artist 1984 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD less Click Here httpscinemamv21xyz Angel S Contract 2 1998 This Boy Suffers from Crystallization FulLMoViE2014 This Boy Suffers from Crystallization full Film Online Watch This Boy Suffers from Crystallization full English Film This Boy Suffers from Crystallization full movie stream free Download This Boy This Boy Suffers from Crystallization TV Movie 2014 IMDb With Ryan McKeand Shouta Aoi Justin Green Daisuke Hirakawa
Watch This Boy Suffers from Crystallization 2014 Full Watch This Boy Suffers from Crystallization This Boy Suffers from Crystallization 10 users avg rated it as fine 7 12 Watch Now You are watching This Boy Suffers from Crystallization Movie The story revolves around high school boy Ayumu Tamari who has an illness that makes him start to turn to stone when hes stressed Since he couldnt fit in with his class after repeating a year This Boy Suffers from Crystallization Anime aniSearch This Boy Suffers from Crystallization is an anime from studio CoMix Wave Films Inc Description High school boy Ayumu Tamari finds it hard to attend his classes especially since he had to repeat the year due to suffering from a strange syndrome which makes This Boy Suffers from Crystallization Watch on Crunchyroll Two people brought together by stone The fourth edition features a petrified boy This heartrending romance features a boy whos troubled over the fact that his body turns to stone whenever THIS BOY SUFFERS FROM CRYSTALLIZATION Gets a New Trailer Originally released in December of 2014 the anime movie received critical acclaim However the story by Soubi Yamamoto writer and director went under the radar when compared to most Shonen anime Since Crunchyroll began streaming THIS BOY SUFFERS FROM CRYSTALLIZATION in 2016 however the movie has become more popular Now fans can even stream the English dub on iTunes and Amazon Check